Thursday, July 23, 2015

Clean Your Bathroom in 4-5 minutes

I got this from Real Simple but modified it a bit to make it more suitable for my bathroom.  I have yet to time myself though if this really just takes 4 minutes on a daily basis, and 5 weekly.

Minute 1: 
Drizzle toilet bowl with cleaner.  
Set aside products on countertops.

*Monthly: With a damp microfiber cloth or duster, swipe cobwebs from ceiling corners (stick the cloth on the end of a broom to reach) and dust door frames, tile ledges, moldings, shelves, framed art, and sills. Rinse and wring.

Minute 2: 
Spray mirrors with glass cleaner and rub in circles with the cloth.
Run a wipe over the vanity and the sink to pick up rogue hairs, powder, and toothpaste.
Grab a new wipe for the light switch, faucet handles, the wall behind the faucet, and any light fixtures.

Minute 3: 
With a fresh wipe, clean the top of the toilet tank, the flusher handle, and the lid.
Use a new wipe for the top and the bottom of the seat and the lip of the bowl—in that order.
Take one more wipe and do the base of the toilet and the floor around it.
Next, swish water around the inside of the bowl with a toilet brush and flush.

Minute 4: Move the wastebasket to just outside the door.
Sweep the floor to clean dust and hair from every corner, starting with the corner farthest from the door and backing out.

Empty the trash and you’re done.

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